Rust is a new language developed by Mozilla, it looks pretty cool and it aims to be as fast as C: actually it should be interoperable with it.

The language is modern, it has generics, pattern matching, type inference like some high level languages (e.g. Scala, Haskell) and it combines this features with the control you can have with a low level language.

However the most important selling points of the language are the fact that it promises to do safe system programming and simplify concurrency, actually with the same “tool”, the concept of ownership.

It’s usages are more focus to cases where you need predictable performance (Rust doesn’t have a garbage collector). For example Mozilla is using it for writing its new web browser engine Servo.
It should be good, then, to do embedded development and the project looks promising.
Also Tessel 2 supports the language out of the box.

For web programming it looks like it’s still early days, according at this website even if either iron or nickel look exciting.

I will start soon writing some Rust, I’m pretty excited about it.