I decided to start learning Scala, again, after starting and stopping few times in the past. The main reason was because something else came out, on my daily job or in something I was studying; moreover I often found the language not actually straightforward, meaning you need to put quite an effort to master it, so more (quite) time.

To do my studies I decided to use the book Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason.
This book is actually not a book teaching to how to program in Scala, but instead is teaching how to learn functional programming, using Scala as the language for implement the exercises. So a small knowledge on Scala its recommended.

I’m going to post about my experience on the book by chapter.
Perhaps some of my implementation will result slightly different from the one the authors propose on the repository related to the book but the result must be the same.

Having said that, the project I created is using SBT as built tool and every exercise is written starting from a (Scala) test.

The repository of the project can be found here.